Google CEO Sundar Pichai Confirms More Layoffs Expected This Year: Here’s What He Said

Last Updated: January 18, 2024, 13:10 IST

Pichai has sent this internal memo with the details of Google’s plans for 2024

Google 2024 layoffs are not expected to be brutal but Pichai has this warning for people who might face the sack.

Google has laid off thousands of employees in the past few months and the bad news is that 2024 is likely to see more job cuts at the search giant. The company’s chief has indicated major changes in an internal memo, quoted by The Verge in this report. “We have ambitious goals and will be investing in our big priorities this year. The reality is that to create the capacity for this investment, we have to make tough choices,” the quoted memo from Pichai said.

Pichai spoke about the need to streamline the company’s staff count but went against using the term layoff and instead suggested the need to realign and eliminate, which is a fancier way of telling people that you are not needed at the company.

Google did have a major layoff period in 2023 but Pichai is quick to point out that in 2024 that scale will not be reached and every team won’t be in danger of getting the sack. He also mentioned in the memo that the 2024 Google layoffs will be about, “removing layers to simplify execution and drive velocity in some areas.”

The company is one of the many out there that is planning for life and work with AI in its systems. Google announced Bard and Gemini LLMs recently that is expected to be a robust part of the structure, which basically hinders the need for more people and the existing ones can be replaced with AI, something that industry analysts have warned about since last year.

In fact, Google announced another round of layoffs from its advertising sales team earlier this week. Pichai’s leaked internet memo from the report clearly shows that businesses are having to reorganise their workforce and that sadly comes at the cost of people losing their jobs.

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