More landlord-friendly amendments could be added to Renters Reform Bill

Landlords are urging MPs to back ‘pragmatic’ changes to the Renters (Reform) Bill.

One change being proposed is that tenants would only be able to give notice to leave a property four months after the end of a fixed term tenancy.

Another is to publish a review of court possessions before Section 21 is abolished.

A third would end landlord selective licensing schemes once the national Property Portal covering the private rented sector is established, to “prevent a costly duplication of efforts”.

The possible amendments come from Conservative MP, Anthony Mangnall, along with colleagues.

Ben Beadle, chief executive of the National Residential Landlords Association, said: “We accept that section 21 is going and agree that tenants need to feel empowered to challenge the actions of rogue and criminal landlords. However, amidst a supply crisis in the rental market, it is vital that the Bill has the confidence of responsible landlords.

“These pragmatic changes would go a long way towards striking the balance between the needs of renters and the majority of landlords who do right by their tenants.”

Another amendment being proposed is enabling evidence such as texts or emails from neighbours to be taken into account by the courts when deciding if a tenant has engaged in anti-social behaviour.

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