The CIA Allegedly Told the DOJ to Stay Away from Kevin Morris in the Hunter Biden Investigation – JONATHAN TURLEY

The New York Post has created a stir in Washington with its report that a whistleblower claims that the CIA reportedly blocked federal investigators from interviewing Kevin Morris, the  entertainment lawyer who has subsidized the expenses and bought the art of Hunter Biden. (For full disclosure, Morris previously threatened me with a defamation lawsuit over my writing about his representation of Hunter. Fortunately, I have not received any summons from either the courts or the CIA). We will have to wait for more details on the allegations, but the response of the CIA struck me as rather curious.

As discussed earlier, the Hollywood lawyer, producer and Democratic donor has emerged as a major figure in the corruption scandal surrounding Hunter Biden.

For years, some of us have complained that we are not sure what Morris was at any given moment.

What became clear in his deposition before Congress is that Morris does not appear certain himself.

He’s Hunter’s confidant, art patron, business partner, and his lawyer.

Now there is a suggestion that we might have to add CIA asset or protected person.

The unnamed whistleblower told the House Oversight and Judiciary Committee that the “intelligence agency stopped IRS and Justice Department investigators from interviewing Morris in August 2021.” That has led Oversight chairman James Comer (R-KY) and Judiciary chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) to demand answers from the CIA on whether two DOJ officials were summoned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Va. to discourage their interviewing Morris.

Given the allegations of special treatment by the Justice Department (including blocking efforts to interview Hunter or search Biden properties), this latest report is obviously quite serious. One would expect that the CIA would simply say that no such meeting related to the Hunter Biden investigation occurred. Instead, the agency responded that it “does not obstruct investigations.” The spokesman added  “CIA does not comment on specific investigations. We can say that CIA cooperates with law enforcement partners and does not obstruct investigations. CIA also fully and routinely cooperates with our oversight committees and will continue to do so.”

Hunter met Morris when he attended a political fundraiser as a major donor.

Soon thereafter, he warned Biden associates that Hunter’s unpaid taxes raised political problems during Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential run.

He later proceeded to pay off Hunter’s taxes and to subsidize his lavish lifestyle.

He also took an apparent lead in planning public campaigns against the critics of the Bidens, reportedly pushing a scorched-earth approach to attack potential witnesses and accusers.

Then Morris seemed to take on the role of Hunter’s bank and art patron.

He reportedly gave millions to Hunter while insisting that they are loans, not gifts.

Most recently, it was revealed that, despite accounts of buyers flocking to buy Hunter’s overpriced art, it was Morris all along who bought most of the pieces.

How the CIA would fit into any of this is anyone’s guess.

The question is whether Justice Department attorneys were called to Langley to discourage their interviewing Morris. Even if Morris were an intelligence asset, the CIA has disclosed such associations as part of the investigation into the Russian collusion investigation. The Justice Department should also be able to confirm whether such a meeting occurred.

Once again, none of this proves that the whistleblower’s account is true or accurate. However, the very intervention of the CIA into such an investigation involving the President’s son would be alarming. While the CIA does have a need to protect sources and methods, it also has an obligation to assure the public that it is not interfering with domestic cases or being used for political purposes. Greater transparency and clarity would seem warranted in this case from both the Justice Department and the CIA.

If there is credible confirmation of this allegation, it should also lead to a call for Morris to return to Congress to testify as well as any Justice Department attorneys involved in the meetings.

Just when you thought the Biden corruption scandal could not get more bizarre, it does. We just need Johnny Rivers to explain that he is a “secret agent man” who “leads a life of danger” where “you let the wrong word slip, While kissing persuasive lips.”

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